Selling by Weight: The What, Why, and How

Apr 04, 2024

As a farmer, you have the rewarding opportunity to share fresh, local food with your community — but the logistics of selling your farm’s goods can be a challenge. 

That’s why we’ve created this guide to a foundational farm industry strategy: selling by weight

In this blog, we’ll explore what it means to sell your products by weight, how selling by weight can benefit you and your customers, and how to get started with this technique. 

What Is Selling by Weight?

Selling by weight is as simple as it sounds. Rather than selling your farm’s products by the unit, you’ll sell them by their exact weight. 

Let’s take a look at an example. 

If your farm doesn’t currently sell by weight, one of your offerings might be a pack of two steaks. Since no two steaks are the same, the actual amount that your customers receive will vary significantly. 

In contrast, if you opt for a selling by weight approach, you can offer your ribeye by the pound, allowing your customers to choose and pay for exactly what they want. 

The Benefits of Selling by Weight

So, why is selling by weight such a go-to strategy for farmers? Let’s take a look at a few ways this technique can streamline your farm’s operations and boost your sales. 

1. Increase Customer Satisfaction

Without a scale to help you package certain products, it’s nearly impossible to guarantee consistency — which can put a damper on your customers’ trust in your farm. 

Let’s imagine that you have a customer who regularly orders pork chops from your farm. If you don’t package and sell your pork chops by weight, that customer will receive a different amount every time they place an order from you. 

This kind of inconsistency can result in lower satisfaction rates and even lost customers. 

Selling by weight keeps your customers happy by allowing them to choose and pay for the precise amount that they want. When you offer your farm’s goods by weight, your customers know exactly what to expect and how to work their purchase into their meal plans and budgets. 

2. Expand Your Reach

Not everyone has the space or budget to buy goods like meat in bulk, so offering a wide range of quantities makes your farm’s goods accessible to a broader audience

Instead of committing to a large, one-size-fits-all delivery, your customers can give your farm a try by placing a smaller order of a few different products. 

Selling by weight and allowing your shoppers to choose how much they want gives you the opportunity to share fresh, local meats and produce with everyone — not just families with access to a chest freezer. 

3. Master Inventory Management

In the farming industry where yields can vary wildly, making the most of your inventory is critical. 

Fortunately, selling by weight makes it easy to monitor your stock levels, optimize your inventory, and maximize your profits. 

Selling by weight takes the guesswork out of inventory management and helps you understand exactly how much you have in stock and how much you’ve sold. 

Relying on a scale to help you package and sell your goods also prevents waste and overstocking. Since you can offer your products in a range of quantities, you’ll be able to sell every last ounce of each of your products. 

How To Sell by Weight

Selling by weight has huge benefits for your farm and your customers — but how do you get started? 

There are a few essential tools you need to start selling by weight on your farm, including:

  • Scale: One of the most obvious tools you need for weight-based sales is a scale. Make sure your scale is accurate and that it integrates seamlessly with your farm’s point of sale (POS) and e-commerce solution. 

  • POS and E-Commerce Solution: To truly take advantage of the benefits of selling by weight, you need a powerful POS and e-commerce solution tailored to the farming industry. This software should allow you to sell your goods by weight and by the unit online and in person. 

  • Labels: The right labels are a must-have for customer satisfaction and education. After you package a product and get it ready for sale, you should label it with the product type, exact weight, and package date. For the easiest experience, choose a label printer that integrates with your software. 

  • Proper Packaging Materials and Techniques: Whether you’re selling by weight or by unit, having the right packaging and shipping strategy is crucial.

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Start Selling by Weight With GrazeCart

Are you ready to put this powerful technique to work for your farm? GrazeCart can help! 

GrazeCart is a farm to fork e-commerce and POS solution designed by farmers, for farmers. 

Equipped with robust selling by weight tools, delivery and pickup management, and sales-boosting features like subscriptions, GrazeCart has everything you need to take your farm’s operations to the next level. 

See what GrazeCart is all about by starting your free 14-day trial today!