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The image above is a sneak peek of a major GrazeCart project we have in the works...

For the past 9-months, we've been busy cooking up a Subscribe & Save platform, that'll be ready to pull out of the oven soon.

It's no secret that the subscription model has continued to gain momentum in the eCommerce world, and I believe the potential upside will only continue.

Before embarking on this project, we took a close look at the existing subscription software on the market and found most were hard to use, required implementing clunky add-ons, and offered poor integrations with existing processes.

That's why we decided to build our own tool, from the ground up.

Tune into today's bonus GrazeCast episode to learn more about what makes our approach to subscriptions unique.

Let's face it, there are a lot of ways to get subscriptions wrong...

Nobody likes being forced into monthly commitments, receiving unplanned deliveries, or searching for hard-to-find cancel buttons.

For this to work well, you need to make the customer experience as good (or better) than your current shopping process.

We're excited for the opportunity to help you with that soon!

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