Every year, more and more businesses join the world of eCommerce. With recent limitations presented by COVID-19, this number has risen exponentially in just a few months.

That's why there's no better time than right now to focus on how to make your website stand out in a sea of online shopping options.

On average, you have 15 seconds to grab the attention of a consumer who's new to your site. So it's really important to make your new user's experience as simple and resonant as possible.

Through years of experimenting with Seven Sons' online presence, we've narrowed down three common mistakes that can seriously affect your user experience and conversion rate. Watch the video below to learn how to avoid these major conversion killers!

Conversion Killer #1: Slow Page Loading

This refers to the amount of time it takes your site to load.

Online consumers have so many options at their fingertips. That means convenience can play a big role for consumers when they're deciding where to shop.

It's no surprise research shows that the longer the load time, the lower the customer conversion rate. Some studies even found that online retailers lose 2.6 billion a year due to slow loading sites.


  • Optimize or compress your web-photos to improve your loading speed
  • Make sure the platform you use to host your website is using a high-speed server (PSST! If you're using GrazeCart as your host, we're already taking care of this for you)

Conversion Killer #2: Confusing Buying Process

This refers to how transparent and easy your buying process is to follow.

Let's face it, we're all guilty of scanning a website or email to find the details we're looking for. On average, consumers will spend 15 seconds on a site before deciding whether to stay or go. There's no better way to lose their attention than to overwhelm them with too much information.


  • Make a clear statement about what you offer, what's in it for your customers, and what the next steps are to making a purchase
  • Narrow the focus of your buying channel: choose one or two buying channel/s for your homepage and put the rest in your footer

Conversion Killer #3: High Cost Fees

This refers to fees you may be passing onto your customers to cover extra expenses.

In theory, it may sound like a good idea to recoup your costs through added fees. In reality, having an unexpected or high delivery fee is one of the leading reasons for online consumers to abandon their cart.

With competitors offering free delivery or minimal shipping fees, it's worth reconsidering just how much cost is worth passing onto your customers.


  • Recalculate your extra costs into the pricing of your products
  • Offer free delivery to orders over a certain amount to keep your costs lower per order
  • Use GrazeCart's 'Pricing Groups' feature to help spread costs fairly among your customer-base


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