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In this episode, we're sharing one of my all-time favorite growth strategies, (and it doesn't involve chasing down brand-new customers).

It's no secret that relationships are KEY when selling direct-to-consumer!

And because that's true, many of us struggle to close the sale or inspire those once motivated customers to come back out of fear of compromising the relationship.

True, it doesn't pay to behave like the pushy car salesman, but you also have to consistently give your customers a good reason to buy.

So to help with that, I've asked Chad Graue(Digital Marketing Director at Seven Sons) back on the podcast for an expert interview.

Chad is the guy who has been instrumental in helping us overcome this struggle by combining relationship nurturing with strategic & timely offers.

In the interview, he'll be share three proven (and simple 😃) promotion ideas you can use to inspire more business from both new & existing this quarter.

This is an action-oriented episode.

You'll hear insights on what makes a successful promotion/sale, as well as some ways to take action right away.

If you're looking for growth strategies, and have yet to offer your customer the occasional promotion or incentive to buy, then I guarantee you're leaving low-hanging fruit on the tree.

Let me know how you feel about this topic in the comments!

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